Saturday, August 15, 2009

Kepong Steamboat BBQ Buffet @ RM19.80++

Today (2009-08-15 Saturday), Me and my girlfriend actually want to go Kepong to having Steamboat buffet at Happy City..which is found from one of the blog..we going there to have a try..but who know..we can't find the place that we want but what we saw is....Happy City Food Court..which is no related to Steamboat we change plan to go Restoran HOO JIAK which is near to Carrefour and also behind of Honeymoon Shop. Each person around RM19.80++..

This Shop consider new opening. What they provided is Steamboat with Tomyam and Chicken Soup. It also come together with Japanese bbq. In the same time, they have promotion which is 50% discount for those who are birthday.

After reach here, we start find a table, then direct go take our favorite food..hehe..see...until our table no enough to put..

From the photo, you all can see..below is for steamboat and up is for BBQ ^^

Did you found some cute fish ball inside the steamboat??? haha..

This photo all is chicken but with different it include tandoori chicken, bbq chicken, curry chicken, black pepper chicken, satay chicken and so on...wao...many right..? haha...

here is second set of need me say so much all know is what lor..hehe all see this girl...start to bbq food to eat luu~~let us learn from her what is the step to bbq food..haha...come...let's start the lesson...yoyo~~
First, put Butter on the plat.

Second, put in the food you want to bbq...

Then, use your chopstick to mixture the chicken and butter..

Keep take care your chicken, if not will "Air Burn"...hehehe..

See~~~finally can eat lu~~~and hor...this shop also will provided fried chicken and also roaster chicken....

After my girlfriend finish bbq...the steamboat already become like that liao...hahha...u all can much time she use for BBQ...wakakkakakaa....nonono...actually is long time she use to finish bbq ALL food...(quite many ler....hahahha)

Other than that, this shop also got fried rice...I just take little to test it..eihhhh..quite nice hor...but when come to cold liao..then no so nice liao...try eat when it is HOT...hehe..

This also finish bbq already lor...hehe...and hor..some is bbq by me...haha...

This is my steamboat food...nice to eat right..??

me and my girlfriend also like to eat sure wont miss out to take vegetable to eat...hehe...

and special is...they provided coklat waterfall...the favorite they provide is green apple and also girlfriend look like professional to make it ya...haha...she got potential to work as part time here..wahahahaha is the favorite u can use to mix with the coklat....and it also provided us salad..

Nice??? this is tomato mix with coklat that make by my girlfriend...haha

hehe....this dessert of course.....we wont miss like and my girlfriend agree that this ice cream quite fresh and clean...hehe...

haha..After that I go try to make 1...yoyo....look like nice than my girlfriend d ler...haha...I think I more potential to be partimer la..haha

This is our Dinner Ending Photo~~~hehe...

Our table is clean...haha..nono..I mean our plate is clean...haha...memang pandai eat ya...also can say is KUAT MAKAN ya...haha...

My overall comment for this shop is...good~! no yet reach to excellent..because some of the steamboat I want does not provided here..hehe..but...environment here feel ok and quite clean...maybe is just new opening...hope they can keep continue like that la...

Here is the Address:
No. 126, Jalan Rimbuan Raya,
Laman Rimbunan Kepong,
52100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
H/P: 016-225 7975

Saturday, August 8, 2009

20090808 的早上11时,晴天。

今天我跟我的女朋友出街了。嘻嘻..我们去了Times Square的Neway唱歌。其实我们是要去GreenBox的,因为比较便宜(RM12++)而且包括了一份套餐 + 例湯 + 沙律吧 + 糖水 + 無限量供應飲品,但是我们太迟预定了,太多人跟我们一样这么会选值得的地方,嘻嘻。而Neway呢就是RM16++,然后呢就是Free Salad Buffet,一杯饮品及一套正餐。那你们说呢,哪间比较值得呢?嘻嘻...



当我拿完回房时,然惊喜的,我的女朋友随手拿了一包City Chain的包包,说是送给我的,也就是我的生日礼物。当我打开的时候,定了一定。。心里想“蛮美嘞!”,接着又再次定了,这次是因为要看清楚它的设计...接着又想了“不错,我喜欢!”。。但是。。当我女朋友我到时,我只是点了点头,说“我喜欢!”,没想到,我女朋友不相信我,而且怀疑我刚刚定了一下是因为觉得不美。我真的“无话可说!”....




过后,我们也Order了正餐及水。我Order了海鲜面及一杯Lemon Seven-Up, 而我的女朋友却Order了不知什么Pizza 薯条及一杯热Milo。然后就尽快的开始唱歌了,因为只有两小时的时间而已。。

Sunday, August 2, 2009


